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Modmail: Opening hours, Auto-Close on inactivity & more

We have published a bunch of new features for your Modmail-Bot - available today exclusively on SCNX
Modmail: Opening hours, Auto-Close on inactivity & more
Photo by Christopher Gower / Unsplash
These features now available and are included in the Active Guild and PRO-Plan. Learn more about pricing on SCNX.

Opening hours

Screenshot of the SCNX Dashboard showing the "Opening hours"-configuration

With opening hours, you can automatically ignore messages or only inform your users when they are messaging you outside of your office / business hours. This is a great way for businesses to set expectations of response-times outside of their office hours.

Supported features:

  • Set custom Opening hours for every weekday - customizable down to the minuite
  • Set up a completely custom message sent outside of business hours
  • Optionally, completely ignore customer messages sent when you are closed
  • Set up custom holidays - these are days that will be treated as closed

Auto-Close on inactivity

Screenshot of the SCNX Dashboard showing the "Auto Close"-configuration

If enabled, you can automatically close tickets where the user didn't respond to your last staff-message within a configured time period. Setup might reminders, to remind users to respond to your tickets before closing them.

Role-limited Ticket-Topics

Screenshot of new fields in the "Ticket-Topics" configuration

Sometimes, certain Ticket-Topics only make sense for a limited amount of people - that's why we're introducing Role-limited Ticket-Topics. These topics will only be displayed to users that got one of the configured roles.

And more

  • Info-Embeds can now directly allow users to select their Ticket-Topic below the message instead of getting a DM to do so
  • The first attached image will now be displayed inside of embeds (if applicable; only displayed if no other image is configured)

Also check out our last update for Modmails: Forms

Introducing: Forms for Modmail
We are happy to announce forms for Modmail: Easily collect responses from users without repeating the same questions all the time.
Our last modmail-update: Forms

Thank you for your suggestions

We depend on your feedback to implement new features like this. Please continue to submit suggestion in our (German) FeatureBoard.
Here are the links to the suggestions leading to this update: